Implied Due Diligence

Philip Morris PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL Memo: Tobacco Additives

TO: Dr. R.B. Seligman
FROM: T.S. Osdene
Date: January 12, 1981

Summary of Image
Page One
"Attached are the procedural steps we undertake to clear additives. Such an evaluation can take a day to several years... The entire evaluation process is governed by a very conservative philosophy which implies that we have shown due diligence in our efforts to avoid harm to our customers and to avoid embarassment to the Company in the marketplace." "In the event of regulatory intervention, we would feel comfortable with this [unreadable word] approach."
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 8K]


BACKGROUND NOTE: If you took a product into your body on a regular basis, perhaps a food or a medication, would you feel safe knowing that the manufacturer's clearance procedure for additives implied that the company has shown due diligence in their efforts to avoid harm to their customers? Apparently it was enough for Philip Morris.


Attached are the procedural steps we undertake to clear additives....this entire evaluation is governed by a very conservative philosophy which implies that we have shown due diligence in our efforts to avoid harm to our customers and to avoid embarassment to the Company...

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Title: Tobacco Additives
Type of document: Personal and confidential internal Philip Morris memo
Author: T.S. Osdene
Recipient: Dr. R.B. Seligman
Date: 19810112 (January 12, 1981)
Site: Philip Morris document site
Bates No. 2029109909


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