Merry Christmas from Philip Morris

Philip Morris Internal Memo: 1671 - Christmas '63

  From: Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
  Date: December 1963

Summary of Image
Page One
This infamous image speaks for itself. Is this where it all began?
[click on image to download document -- 21K]

BACKGROUND NOTE: This memo shows how Philip Morris has worked for nearly 40 years to legitimize themselves and create an image that they are a part of wholesome and American traditions.

The advertising industry recognized Leo Burnett with numerous awards for his part in this most-successful image creation campaign. Burnett's work led to the deaths of millions and millions of people worldwide. Merry Christmas to Leo Burnett, Philip Morris and the tobacco industry.

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Title: 1671-Christmas '63
Type of document: Advertisement No. 1671
From: Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Date: December 1963
Page Count: 1
Site: Philip Morris document site


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