Smokers Are Less Educated

RJ Reynolds Report: Less Educated -- Today's Trend, Tomorrow's Market???

Internal Report
Date: April 23, 1985

Summary of Image Text
Report Cover
Only visible text, "Less Educated Smokers"
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 2K]

Summary of Image Text
Title Page
Only visible text, "Less-Educated Today's Trend Tomorrow's Market ???""
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 4K]

Summary of Image Text
Page One
Overall Conclusions
"In the short term, the market in total will not become less educated. However, a change will occur in the age mix: The younger adult market will become less educated, and the older adult market will become more educated.
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 21K]

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Page Two
Overall Conclusions (cont'd)
"Most other product/categories which use an image intensive position, sell to a higher educated consumer..." "The 'average' beer drinker is more educated than the 'average' smoker." "The most highly educated smoking brand franchise has about the same educational profile as a Budwiser drinker or a Montgomery Ward Credit Card Holder."
"The wine, imported beer and foreign car markets are far more educated than the cigarette market." [click on image to enlarge to full size -- 14K]

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Page Three
An opportunity exists for any brand to develop a more meaningful marketing plan by increasing sensitivity to: the educational background of the market as a whole and their specific target market, and how this in turn affects lifestyles, attitude and values.
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Page Four
"There are two broad areas which represent sizeable opportunities for "new" switching based positionings targeted solely at the 'less educated' smoker, particularly but not limited to younger adults."
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 17K]

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Page Five
The Market's Education Level: The Short Term Future
"Younger Adult Market will become less educated."
"Older Adult Market will become more educated."
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 16K]

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Page Six
What Makes the Educational Splits Important
Chart compares "Less Educated" to the "College Graduate" for various "Events."
Under "Decide on a Life Course," the "Less Educated" individual focuses on getting a job. This event is characterized by "Hard to Find," "Low Pay," "Unchallenged/Boring" and "No Advancement." The "College Graduate" rather "Decides on a Major." This includes "Calling Mom and Dad" and "Becoming a Sophomore."
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 22K]

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Page Seven
Putting the Market in Perspective
Chart illustrates a four-space typology that compares low-to-high education with younger-to-older adults. The youngest "adults" who are "lesser educated" smoke Marlboro cigarettes. Those with the "lowest education" smoke generic cigarettes, Winstons or Kools. [click on image to enlarge to full size -- 18K]

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Page Eight
Chart illustrates a four-space typology that compares education to household income (H.H.I.) The cigarette market is located in the low education, low household income sector.
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 14K]


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Page Nine
Chart illustrates a four-space typology that compares education to age. Cigarette market is located in low education and young sector.
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 15K]


BACKGROUND NOTE: This is an excellent review of the social hierarchy of cigarette smoking. It also provides an insightful look at how the tobacco companies view their clientelle. The charts on p.7, 8 and 9 illustrate that smoking is more prevalent among the young and lesser-educated.

In the short term, the market in total will not become less educated. However, a change will occur in the age mix: The younger adult market will become less educated, and the older adult market will become more educated.

"Most other product/categories which use an image intensive position, sell to a higher educated consumer."

"The 'average' beer drinker is more educated than the 'average' smoker."

"The most highly educated smoking brand franchise has about the same educational profile as a Budwiser drinker or a Montgomery Ward Credit Card Holder."

"The wine, imported beer and foreign car markets are far more educated than the cigarette market."

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Title: Less Educated -- Today's Trend, Tomorrow's Market???
Date: April 23, 1985
Type of Document: Report
Document No. 505640927 -0937
Source: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Search words: "Less Educated Smokers" or "Less Educated Smokers: Today's Trend, Tomorrow's Market???"


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