Lorillard Tobacco Company document: 1978 U.S. Cigarette Sales vs. Nicotine

  Source: Maxwell Report
  November 1978 -- appears to be from a FTC Report on Tar and Nicotine, May 1978

Summary of Image
Page One
One page graph and illustration showing the optimal level of nicotine to maximize sales
The chart highlights the "lowest level of [nicotine] acceptance"
Provides sales volume in BILLIONS of cigarettes
[click on image to enlarge to full size -- 10K]


BACKGROUND NOTE: This Lorillard Tobacco Company document is titled 1978 U.S. Cigarette sales vs. Nicotine. It shows that there is an optimum nicotine level that creates the greatest sales. Similar graphs are found on other document sites as well, like Philip Morris. Such documents, along with others that describe programs to manipulate nicotine levels (like Lorillard's Nicotine Augmentation Program), strongly infer that tobacco companies titrate the nicotine content of their products to create optimum sales.

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Title: 1978 U.S. Cigarette Sales VS. Nicotine
Date: November 1978
Maxwell Report
Site: Lorillard Tobacco Company http://www.lorillarddocs.com
No. of Pages: 1


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