Top Secret Operation Rainmaker

TOP SECRET: Philip Morris -- Operation Rainmaker

TOP SECRET Internal Report
Date: March 20, 1990

Summary of Image Text
Page One
"What are we trying to accomplish?" Prevent further deterioration of overall social, legislative, and regulatory climate, and ultimately actually improve the climate for the marketing and use of tobacco products.
Establish peace with Congress
Lower criticism of product. Take action by identifying, educating, recruiting and mobilizing...
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Summary of Image Text
Page Two
Acquisition -- "If we are to truly influence the public policy agenda and the information flow to the populace we must be the media..."
"The only way to do this is to own a major media outlet."
"We very much need a publication like Omni for the various science (e.g. ETS) issues."
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Summary of Image Text
Page Three
Education -- expand...
The Next Issue -- the further decline of social acceptability of use of the product
AARP - educate; mobilize; confront. "It is important to remember tht the AARP has the largest magazine in the United States."
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Summary of Image Text
Page Four
Name Change -- we must immediately change the name of either Philip Morris USA or of PM Companies.
Commentary -- "there is no silver bullet..." "We must help put tobacco into a better perspective as it relates to today's society. This is not impossible, but it must be a major effort on multiple fronts, and it must be sustained."
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BACKGROUND NOTE: This Philip Morris document, Top Secret Operation Rainmaker, is already considered a classic by some "document moles" and probably by the few reporters who have written about it. I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this document, which proposes directions the industry should consider taking to try and reverse the decline of the social acceptability of smoking:


What are we trying to accomplish? Prevent further deterioration of overall social, legilsative and regulatory climate, and ultimately, actually improve the climate for the marketing and use of tobacco products.

... ACQUISITION - if we are to truly influence the public policy agenda and the information flow to the populace we must be the media, we must be part of it. The only way to do this is to own a major media outlet. If we are not willing to take this step, then we are not serious about really wanting to change the atmosphere.

Organizations that should be very seriously considered include:

  - Knight Ridder
  - Zuckerman's group
  - the Copley News Service
  - United Press International
  - or a major city daily that has access to -- and from -- all of the major wire services

4. Consumer science publication - this is an idea that was agreed upon at Downunder. We very much need a publication like Omni for the various science (e.g. ETS) issues.

(underlining emphasis appears in the original)

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Document Type: Report
Date: 03/20/1990
Author: N/A
Title: Top Secret Operation Rainmaker
Site: Philip Morris document site


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