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Cigarettes More Lethal Than Alcohol

A drink in one hand, a cigarette in the other. Which is more lethal?

Experts say the cigarette. Even alcoholic smokers are more likely to die from problems caused by smoking than by drinking, they say.

Though research is just beginning into links between smoking and alcoholism, a new study says smokers with a history of alcoholism may benefit from nicotine gum, patches and other substitutes for smoking.

"The next step I would find interesting would be to look at the idea of how to tackle both addictions -- sequentially or at the same time? And if you do it sequentially, which one makes the most sense to do first?" asks Gail L. Rose, research associate at the University of Vermont. She was project manager for the study led by Professor of Psychiatry John R. Hughes.

The study, reported in this month's issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, looked at 20 smokers with a history of alcoholism and 10 smokers who were not alcoholics. All volunteered to abstain from cigarettes for four days. . .

The researchers found the subjects who had no history of alcoholism showed no preference for one gum, but the 20 recovering alcoholics chewed more milligrams of nicotine each day, Rose says.

HealthScout (Nov 30, 2000) _1.htm
by Anne Haddad
HealthScout Reporter