How would you like your personal information, birthdate, age, household address,
family members, and more, to be displayed on the Internet? That's what happened to many
unsuspecting customers, or potential customers, who participated in Philip Morris
marketing programs (examples: 1, 2 & 3).
During our routine research activities, TobaccoFreedom.org has come across hundreds of
personal profile data bases. These personal, and private, files have now been posted to
the Internet as a result of the various civil litigation efforts by state governments
in their actions against the tobacco industry.
Many customers were unlikely unaware of the information Philip Morris collected on them.
Few would likely consented to this information being posted in the public files.
We believe this shows the loyalty Philip Morris extends to their customers. These files could have been
protected. The tobacco industry protected their trade secrets, manufacturing formulas and other information
during the legal proceedings.