Want to earn a million dollars? |
It's simple, if you currently smoke, stop! If you've been smart enough to never start, great!
Now, try this:
Instead of buying a pack of cigarettes a day, a 16-year old who invests the same amount of money
and earns 7 percent a year would see his/her investment fund would grow as shown below: |
End of age 16 |
$775 |
End of age 23 |
$7,939 |
End of age 30 |
$25,883 |
End of age 37 |
$66,188 |
End of age 44 |
$156,688 |
End of age 51 |
$360,265 |
End of age 58 |
$819,908 |
End of age 65 |
$1,860,958 |
This is why the tobacco industry works so hard to addict young people. If a person, instead of smoking,
would invest their money rather than spend it on cigarettes or tobacco products, the smoker would have almost $2,000,000
by the age of retirement. Instead, the money goes to BIG TOBACCO and various tobacco retailers. They thoroughly
enjoy spending your wealth.
source: SmokeFree Air, Winter 1997-98
www.smokescreen.org |

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