American Legacy Cuts Super Bowl Ad Deal -- Promises Not to Offend Smokers
Anti-Smoking Ads Make Super Bowl Cut
by David Gianatasio
MediaWeek, Friday, 1/26/01
BOSTON -- The American Legacy Foundation, the anti-smoking
group, plans to air two new ads on the Super Bowl XXXV
TV broadcast. The spots, from Arnold Worldwide, are titled "Electrolarynx" and
"46 Years Old" and are designed to remind viewers that tobacco
industry claims notwithstanding, tobacco products are still addictive
and deadly, the foundation said.
The commercials are not part of the familiar "Truth" campaign, a
grim reminder about tobacco-related deaths, but seek to broaden
the image of the Washington, D.C.-based anti-smoking organization.
"Electrolarynx" uses a former smoker speaking through an electronic
device to underscore smoking’s consequences. "46 Years Old,"
part of Arnold's earlier Massachusetts Department of Public Health
campaign, stars Bay State resident Rick Stoddard, whose wife
Marie died of complications from lung cancer at age 46. |
In addition, a full-page ad -- titled "Kills One-Third" -- is scheduled
to debut Feb. 29 in national newspapers. In the form of a quiz, it
puts readers in the shoes of an executive whose products kill one
in three of its customers.
The foundation's Super Bowl negotiations took longer than expected
because CBS was concerned that ad content -- "Truth" spots
depicting black body bags generated considerable controversy --
could "offend" other advertisers, sources said, adding that CBS
required assurances that the spots were appropriate for one of
the largest TV events of the year, sources said.
A CBS spokesman said he had no information about the negotiations.
"The effects of tobacco don't take a time out during the Super Bowl,"
said Dr. Cheryl Healton, president and CEO of American Legacy, in
a news release. "It's important that we use every venue possible to
let all adults know the real impact of smoking."
Arnold spots for and Volkswagen of America also are
slated to air on the Jan. 28 Super Bowl XXXV telecast. The game
is expected to attract 130 million viewers, and 30-second spots are
drawing an estimated $2.3 million.
American Legacy was formed in Nov. 1998 following the settlement
between 46 state attorneys general and major U.S. tobacco
companies, which fund the nonprofit foundation dedicated to
reducing tobacco use. Boston-based Arnold, teaming with Crispin
Porter & Bogusky of Miami, were awarded the foundation’s
$150-225 million advertising ad account in September 1999
following a review.
[1] Grim Anti-Smoking Ads Product of Tobacco Suits
Two Somber Ads Air During Super Bowl
by Anita Srikameswaran
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Tuesday, 1/30/01
Super Bowl fans often watch the commercials as closely as they
follow the big game because they know that advertisers show off
their best stuff in the expensive spots.
Most involve sight gags, memorable mottos and cool special effects.
But during the fourth quarter of Sunday's game, two bleak
commercials with a somber message shook up the typical array
of beer, car and e-company ads.
One showed Rick Stoddard talking about how his wife, Marie, died
when she was 46 because she smoked cigarettes. As photographs
of his wife flashed on the screen, Stoddard said he didn't realize
that 23 was middle-aged. The commercial ends with the message
"Cigarettes don't care. We do."
The other opened with headlines about the tobacco settlement
agreement, while a synthesized voice said tobacco companies
could no longer use billboards or cartoon characters as part of
their marketing strategies. The scene shifted to a man in a hospital
bed breathing through a respirator and speaking with an electronic
voice box. He finishes by saying that tobacco companies have promised to
change everything except "their deadly, addictive product."
The commercials were created by the American Legacy Foundation,
a national public health organization based in Washington, D.C.
Tobacco companies agreed to fund the foundation when several
settlements of state lawsuits against the tobacco industry were
negotiated in 1998.
Endowed with a total of $1.45 billion from the settlement proceeds,
the foundation has sponsored anti-smoking advertising campaigns
in Massachusetts and Florida. Some of those commercials, often
described as edgy and unsettling, aired nationally last year, such
as one in which teens pile up body bags outside the headquarters
of Philip Morris Cos. Inc. to dramatically show the price of smoking.
The Super Bowl commercials were the first to run under the Legacy
Foundation name. The one titled "46 Years Old" was part of a
Massachusetts Department of Public Health Campaign.
"Electrolarynx" debuted Sunday. Both commercials, produced by
Arnold Worldwide of Boston, will be airing in the following weeks
during news programs such as "60 Minutes," "Larry King Live" and
"Face the Nation."<
Bill Godshall, executive director of SmokeFree Pennsylvania,
said the commercials are better suited to run with more serious
televisions shows. "The Super Bowl is kind of a spirited, festive occasion and these
were serious health ads talking about disease and death," he said.
"They just didn't seem to fit there."
He noted that advertisers paid $2.3 million for a 30-second spot
during the Super Bowl. Legacy Foundation spokesmen did not
confirm how much they paid for their airtime. But even the big
price tag could be relatively economical if the commercials raise
awareness about the dangers of smoking. "If 130 million people watched [the game] -- assuming everybody
saw the ads -- it comes to about 4 cents per person," Godshall said.
Counter-advertising campaigns, which challenge the marketing
strategies of tobacco companies in broadcast and print media,
have been effective in California and Massachusetts.
In those states, "smoking rates have dropped by 35 percent in the
last decade," Godshall said, adding that Florida health officials
directed a campaign at youth after the tobacco settlement and
"smoking rates among children dropped 25 percent in just two
He added that, on their own, the new commercials may have little
impact, but could make a difference with repetition and if they are
part of a broader campaign. The Legacy Foundation also placed a full-page ad in five national
newspapers stating that instead of recalling their products, tobacco
companies promised safer cigarettes, denied that there was proof
that smoking causes cancer and used charitable contributions to
improve their public image. The print ad will run for the next two weeks.
[2] American Legacy Foundation Completed Negotiations with CBS
source: David Gianatasio
Adweek Online
Thursday, January 25, 2001
BOSTON -- The American Legacy Foundation late Wednesday completed negotiations with CBS to
place new advertising on the Super Bowl, said sources close to the situation.
American Legacy will not air the well-known "Truth" campaign that seeks to dissuade young people
from smoking. Rather, the client intends to unveil a "corporate" campaign designed to educate
Americans about the Foundation's various programs and its research and educational activities,
sources said. William Furmanski, a spokesman for American Legacy in Washington, D.C. could not
be reached by press time; a representative with Arnold Worldwide, Boston, which handles the
American Legacy account, declined comment.
An official statement from the Washington, D.C.-based Foundation was expected to be released
late Wednesday night or early Thursday.
Negotiations between the client and CBS had taken somewhat longer than expected because the network
was especially concerned with ad content, as past efforts in the client's "Truth" campaign, some
featuring body bag imagery, generated considerable controversy, sources said. CBS apparently required
assurances that the client's "corporate" spots are appropriate for the mass Super Bowl audience, and
would not "offend" network advertisers that also sell tobacco-related products, sources said. A CBS
spokesman said he had no information about American Legacy running advertising on the Super Bowl telecast.
Arnold also has commercials for two other major clients, and Volkswagen of America,
airing on the Jan. 28 Super Bowl XXXV telecast.
American Legacy was formed in Nov. 1998 following the Master Settlement Agreement between
46 state attorneys general and the major tobacco companies. Funded through that settlement,
the nonprofit group is dedicated to reducing tobacco usage and promoting "smoke-free generations."
Boston-based Arnold, teaming with Crispin Porter & Bogusky of Miami, added the client's $150-225
million advertising assignment in September 1999 following a review.